Wednesday, November 17, 2010
StarCraft 2: Micromanaging Your Way through the game: Focus-firing and Spell Casting
Micromanaging your units are crucial to every victory. This allows you to conserve your minerals and vespene gases by keeping your units alive and be able to squeeze out the most damage they can do to the enemy. Very tricky to master and requiring an awfully a lot of attention span, micromanaging is a skill that few can learn. This skill is indeed a very hard ability to master but with this equipped on your arsenal, prepare your world for victories that will catapult you fast to the higher ranks of players.
There are several aspects of micromanagement in the world of StarCraft 2; one of these skills is Focus firing. Focus firing the when your attack squad would attack a single target, allowing you to pick out specific units which you deem the most troublesome for you. Focus firing lets you bring down units with abnormally powerful damage or devastating skills in seconds, if not immediately, saving you the trouble of dealing with them in their full power. Focus firing will also allow you to take out enemy detectors, gouging out their eyes that can see through your cloaked units. With their detectors gone, you can now move in with your cloaked units to rain havoc and death to your enemy’s armies. Focus firing is also useful for conducting raids. The key essential for raiding parties is to quickly kill off enemy miners and swiftly retreating like nothing has happened. By focusing the raiders’ fire on single miners, they can quickly dispatch them before enemy reinforcements arrive.
Another aspect of micromanagement it Spell Casting. Many of the units in StarCraft 2 have abilities that are usable by will. These abilities are best used to enhance a squadron’s offensive and defensive abilities. Using skills requires a great amount of mastery over your units and may backfire against your own if not used properly. Certain units can also act alone but letting them near enemy hostiles leaves them as easy pickings for your ravenous enemies.
Focus firing and spell casting are but a few of the many aspects of micromanagement in the game of StarCraft 2 and its strategies. Mastering these skills are hard, honestly, but if you are able to execute these properly, this would certainly give you an edge over your adversaries.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
New Starcraft 2 Blog for Strategies and Tactics
One strategy I talked about are super early rushes (the proxy reaper rush). This is a really strong rush that could take out most of Protoss's workers before a stalker comes out. Now there is a requirement to need a depot before the barracks. These strategies will no longer be feasible at all. This makes terran even more immobile compared to before. In addition, Terran loses that edge of having early aggression on the enemy.
Starcraft 2 Terran Strategies in the new Patch
Rush for that Strategy
For a lot of Terran players, they love to go for some kind of super unit or strategy. An example of this would be to rush for the Mothership, Mass thors, get battlecruisers. Its true that these units and the strategies involved are very POWERFUL. However, the game of Starcraft 2 Terran and especially for Terran is adaptability. Being able to adapt to the enemy's unit and tech choices. That is also why Scouting is so important in Sc2 as well. Being able to scout the enemy allows you to adapt to the enemy's strategy.
Build your SCVs!
The second thing I want to go over is macro mechanics. You need to build workers at all times. This is a rule of thumb that should be done throughout the course of the game. Often times, I hear players complain that they get swarmed or overwhelmed. Check the replay, chances are you didn't produce enough workers and didn't muster up a large enough force to defend yourself. Remember to get at least 3 workers per minerals. For Terrans, you just want to keep producing because once your expansion finishes, you can transfer half of your SCVs to work right away. This will allow you have a jump boost in mineral gathering fast.
Learn from the Pros, don't try it at home
Most people watch commentaries and replays on their free time to learn a trick or strategy from the pros like SlayersBoxer, TLO and QXC. Those pro player indeed have very interesting strategies like the thor drop or microing your marauders perfectly. These guys PLAY THIS GAME for a living! They practice endless hours in Starcraft 2 to master the timing, apm, execution! Therefore, it is not a good idea to follow it word for word. A better strategy for you Terran folks out there is to simply learn the idea of the strategy. Understand why it works and use it while you play.
That is about it folk, I've just listed 3 Starcraft 2 Terran Strategy for you guys. Be sure to learn and adapt to the enemy rather than learning some build to be cool.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Starcraft 2 Terran site
They have some intersting articles there like Marine strategies, Siege tank articles and the newest double command center opening. They are a huge fan of starcraft 2 apparently. In addition to that, I think they have a lot of starcraft 2 build orders and strategies coming out in the coming month.
One of my favorite aspect of Terran is that their units are so strong simply because all the units are so powerful. However, they are very fragile. I believe Terran is the most technical race out of the 3 races in Starcraft 2. This is just because Terran has the most amount of upgrades and abilities. In addition, they have so many units each powerful in their own ways. This is really cool and difficult to play because it means that you must scout the enemy very effectively in order to know exactly what they are doing so you can counter them. For example, siege tank hard counters any units on the ground except for zerglings, and zealots. Do not build them if you see the enemy building those two. That is a wrap on Terran of Starcraft 2.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Starcraft 2 Gameplay Tactics – Scouting
Hey again, today we are going to learn about Scouting in Starcraft 2! Scouting in Starcraft 2, like many other RTSes, is one of the most important aspect of a game. Scouting provides you with intelligence so you can build an army to dominate your enemy. Because Starcraft 2 revolves around counters which means there isn’t one strategy that is the best, being able to see what the enemy is building is absolutely important!
There are couple way of scouting:
The first scouting method is obviously using the worker. Worker is a fast and cheap way to do scouting. You get for what you paid for; they are very slow and can get attacked easily! I recommend Scouting with your workers at the beginning of the game for best result because the enemy doesn’t have an army for defense. Worker scout also be used to check up on the enemy’s army composition as well. Because the enemy has to attack the worker, he will reveal the units he attacked you with.
For more Starcraft 2 gameplays and strategy check out this blog.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Starcraft 2 strategy
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Starcraft 2 gameplay
For this blog - starcraft 2 gameplay, I will try to focus on zerg, protoss and terran gameplays mostly. I won't be doing any campaigns. In addition, strategic videos and commentaries will be included to help the players understand visually about the game.
I played a few games today and one of my favorite build orders to start is the Terran 10 barracks marauder build. I was dominating the protoss players left and right. This build order is really effective to take out the protoss and other terran player because it counters standard bulid order like 9 pylon then 12 gateway. In addition, the transition into higher tech is pretty fast if you can get the second refinery quickly.
That is it folks, i'll keep this blog updated for you starcraft 2 fans out there. I play terran and protoss and I would like to show some of the gameplay and build orders here in the future. Hopefully videos and commentaries as well. See you guys in the game.