Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Starcraft 2 Gameplay Tactics – Scouting

Hey again, today we are going to learn about Scouting in Starcraft 2! Scouting in Starcraft 2, like many other RTSes, is one of the most important aspect of a game. Scouting provides you with intelligence so you can build an army to dominate your enemy. Because Starcraft 2 revolves around counters which means there isn’t one strategy that is the best, being able to see what the enemy is building is absolutely important!

There are couple way of scouting:

The first scouting method is obviously using the worker. Worker is a fast and cheap way to do scouting. You get for what you paid for; they are very slow and can get attacked easily! I recommend Scouting with your workers at the beginning of the game for best result because the enemy doesn’t have an army for defense. Worker scout also be used to check up on the enemy’s army composition as well. Because the enemy has to attack the worker, he will reveal the units he attacked you with.

For more Starcraft 2 gameplays and strategy check out this blog.