Friday, October 1, 2010

Starcraft 2 Terran site

Here is a new Starcraft 2 website for Terrans. This website features a lot of interesting terran tactics, strategies and build orders. It is pretty new so it will take some time to build. However, starcraft 2 is going to be a long awaited game for those who have been playing brood war in like forever for Starcraft 1.

They have some intersting articles there like Marine strategies, Siege tank articles and the newest double command center opening. They are a huge fan of starcraft 2 apparently. In addition to that, I think they have a lot of starcraft 2 build orders and strategies coming out in the coming month.

One of my favorite aspect of Terran is that their units are so strong simply because all the units are so powerful. However, they are very fragile. I believe Terran is the most technical race out of the 3 races in Starcraft 2. This is just because Terran has the most amount of upgrades and abilities. In addition, they have so many units each powerful in their own ways. This is really cool and difficult to play because it means that you must scout the enemy very effectively in order to know exactly what they are doing so you can counter them. For example, siege tank hard counters any units on the ground except for zerglings, and zealots. Do not build them if you see the enemy building those two. That is a wrap on Terran of Starcraft 2.

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